Frequently Asked Questions

Does it protect against COVID-19?

Yes! Our HEPA multi-layer filtration system is capable of removing viral particles from the air. Forget about having to wear masks indoors around your loved ones.


Can the air purifier help with allergies and asthma?

Yes it can! The HEPA filtration system has the ability to remove common allergens such as dust, pollen, smoke, pet odour, human odour, paint smell, formaldehyde, bacteria and many more.


How big of a space can the A8 purify?

The A8 Air Purifier can effectively filter air in spaces up to 20m2 which is the size of an average living room. However, if you buy our purifier bundle the possibilities are endless.


Where can I use it?

The A8 can be used virtually anywhere you want.

Anywhere inside the house; bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, toilets, laundry’s and garages. Office spaces, studios or even inside your car.

Even take it with you when you travel, given the A8’s compact size you can breathe clean air wherever you go!


How often does the filter need to be replaced?

Based on daily usage the filter should be replaced once a month.

Contact our team for any other questions.